Oh What An Adventure…..

As many of you know, I love to travel.  I have been on many journeys over the past few years including Mexico, New York City, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Scotland, Ecuador and even Macchu Pichu in Peru!  But one particular adventure in August of 2016 has altered the course of my life forever. 

In August 2016, I traveled to Denver for a weekend of fun, participating in a weekend game convention for a geo-location game that I play.  I had a wonderful time playing the game and exploring downtown Denver.  At the after-party, my friend Meda challenged me to introduce myself to a random person at the party.   I took on the challenge, sought out the cutest geek in the room and walked up and said “Hi, my name is Lara and I’m from Austin.  Nice to meet you.  Where are you from?” 

FIREWORKS!   He said his name was Tres and he was from Golden, Co.    What was supposed to be a 5 minute introduction challenge turned into a 3 hour conversation.   I knew something special was happening.   As we talked, I realized that he was surpassing every characteristic on my list.  Yes, every good mastermind student has a written list of qualities they are looking for in a partner.  

  • Spiritual
  • Intelligent 
  • Fun
  • Non-smoker
  • Financially-stable
  • Travel-lover 
  • Open & honest communicator 
  • Sexually Adventurous   

We were both enamored.  We spent as much time together as we could for the rest of the weekend. Tres spoke to me about his journey, and he spoke to me about creating possibilities in life.  Letting go of the past and distinguishing what happened in the past from his “story”.  He talked to me about rackets that people create to get a payoff and what it truly costs them in love and intimacy.  I was mesmerized by this powerful, authentic man who was sharing his very essence and soul with me.   I knew that I wanted to be around this man as much as possible.  And I wanted to experience all these possibilities.

When he took me to the airport on Monday morning, we were both perplexed.  We were certain that this was an opportunity of a lifetime, but neither of us was interested in a long-distance relationship.  We were uncertain of the next steps.  I searched my heart and soul, and said to him that Spirit had arranged a lot of things to bring us together and I felt that we couldn’t just let that go. We had to take a stand and trust that Spirit would find a way.  

I went back to Austin and contemplated all I had learned that weekend about “creating possibilities” and making a clearing for what was possible. I trusted Spirit.   I went back to work and two days later I told my boss that I was pretty sure I had met the man of my dreams over the weekend, and that I needed to go to Denver to find out if this was the real deal. I knew this was a real stretch, but I felt I had to ask.   I asked if I could work remotely from Denver for two months to take a leap of faith to find out if Tres was “the One“.   And she said Yes!  The possibility was becoming a reality. 

“I was going way out of a limb, and I may fly or I may fall, but either way, what a great view! ”

So, on October 1, I packed my bags and moved to Golden, Co.  My motto was that I was going way out of a limb, and I may fly or I may fall, but either way, what a great view!  On October 20th, I drove my car and my cats back to Colorado.   And with each day, life is only getting better and better.  At the end of November 2016 (the end of my 2-month trial), my boss and I evaluated my remote performance and we talked about all the possibilities in my personal life and in my professional life.  I told her without a doubt that my heart was in Colorado.  We talked about the possibility of me continuing to work remotely from Colorado.  She took a stand for love and gave me approval to continuing working remotely indefinitely. 

I completed my career with the State of Texas and retired in July of 2018 (2 years working remotely), and I have permanently moved to Colorado now.     Now, Tres and I are living the dream and creating possibility after possibility together.  After retirement, we began designing what the possibilities of our future together could look like. We put together a business plan for Prosperity Passenger and continue to create possibilities for our business and our lives.  Our goal for this year is to establish enough business income so that Tres can retire from his day job by the end of 2019. We are truly living life to the fullest and loving this journey we are on.  

I wanted to share this story with each of you so you would have an understanding of the amazing adventure that has transformed my life.  Sometimes people think it was crazy of me to decide to move to Colorado only 4 days after meeting Tres, or for us to move in together after only knowing each other 33 days, but when amazing opportunities come along, you have to take them!

When amazing opportunities come along, you have to take them!

And if you are interested in learning about the transformational class that teaches all about creating possibilities in your world and the world around you, check out the Landmark Forum. This is the class that Tres took where he learned about distinguishing reality from the story, creating possibilities and being powerful in the world. The Landmark Forum is designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in the quality of your life—in just three days. These shifts are the direct cause for a new and unique kind of freedom and power—the freedom to be at ease and the power to be effective in the areas that matter most to you: the quality of your relationships, the confidence with which you live your life, your personal productivity, your experience of the difference you make, your enjoyment of life.

Thank you…..   and don’t forget to go have an Adventure of your very own!  We all have possibilities that are just waiting to be created!

Love always,


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14 Replies to “Oh What An Adventure…..”

  1. Yeah, well I bet you be didn’t mention me once! And where did he hide his cardboard sign begging for a handout? Don’t get caught up in his boyish good looks or his impish charm, he’s really after you for your brains and grace, for that he is sorely lacking. Now maybe next time he chats with you he will tell you about his amazing sidekick, Papa Dan. He’s such a character, how can you not love the guy!

  2. What a surprise to find my old friend happy, in love and living in Golden. So happy for you and my wishes for the most wonderful life. You deserve it. I remember a few of your hilarious sarcastic comments about work at TWC, Data Center RFP and your stress levels. I married a wonderful man, live on 10 acres in Hill Country. We travel, have three granddaughters and three dogs. You took a risk and it paid off in spades. Love MM

    1. Melissa! So great to hear from you. We had such great times. Thanks for commenting on my blog post. I’m happy to see your comments. I would love to reconnect when I’m next in Austin. Love you!

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