Hot Tips for Handling Foreign Currency

hot tips to handle foreign currency

As I was traveling to the airport this morning, I was casually talking to my Uber driver about traveling. I mentioned that I had just returned from Mexico and he immediately started asking me questions about how to handle money in Mexico.

I started answering all his questions and realized I have been asked this question so many times that this is information that should be shared with all travelers.

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All aboard and welcome to my blog!

Lara Coffer riding a snowy train through Royal Gorge

Thanks for stopping by.  I’ve wanted to start a travel blog for years now and I’m finally doing it.  I have recently retired from my day job and I am so excited to have time to travel, blog and explore.

I am a firm believer in Prosperity principles and creating your Universe.  And travel is at the top of my creation list.  I find joy in travel and new experiences.  I hope to share that joy, passion and enthusiasm with the rest of the world.

Continue reading “All aboard and welcome to my blog!”