How going to Mexico for Cheap Dental Work can Ease your Pain!

Laguna Bacalar in Mexico

Imagine my shock when I went to the dentist in Corado and the estimate for the work I needed was $13,000 – $15,000!  And that was WITH insurance.  I had two teeth that were bothering me, but the dentist said 6 teeth needed work.  I got estimates for root canals, implants, and bone grafts.  

I was appalled at this estimate.  $15,000 and that was just my portion of the bill after insurance.  Without insurance, this would have been $30,000.  You could buy a car instead.  This is one of the reasons I have delayed dental work before in the past.  It just doesn’t seem reasonable or rational.    Who can afford to pay that?  With or without insurance?

As my teeth continued to get worse and even developing abscesses, I knew I would have to do something soon.  And this is when my tropical dental vacation planning began. 

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The Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

How exciting to get nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! I was nominated by Katie from Rolling On Blog. You can read her post about her own nomination here.

Thank you so much for the nomination, Katie! It is a wonderful feeling to be recognized by others in this incredible blogging community. The Versatile Blogger Award was created to celebrate blogs who have unique content, strong writing, and beautiful images or photographs. As a brand new blogger, I am thrilled and honored to be recognized by my peers.

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Pay it Forward – The Path to Shared Prosperity

Pay it Forward

I recently came across hundreds of stories of people helping people, specifically while traveling. I began reading and just couldn’t get enough. It was so uplifting and inspiring to see so many examples of the human race just taking care of one another. While reading the stories, I cried, I got chills, I laughed, and I fell in love with the idea that there is so much good out there in the people of the world. That by helping each other, we are increasing the shared prosperity of the world. Prosperity literally means “to go forward hopefully“. Read on to experience these stories and find hope and prosperity in your life.

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Southwest is flying to Hawaii Y’all!

Aloha Southwest

The long-awaited announcement from Texas-based Southwest Airlines has finally come (Feb 27, 2019). They have cleared all the FAA hurdles and they are now approved to fly to Hawaii.

Southwest has opened up the booking for the flights to Hawaii on March 4. Their initial offering is 4/4/4 but rapidly expanding. Southwest has announced that they will be initially flying from 4 cities to 4 airports on 4 different islands. The direct flights will be from 4 cities in California. The outbound flights will be leaving from Oakland (OAK), San Diego (SAN), San Jose (SJC), and Sacramento (SMF). Southwest will be flying to Kauai, Oahu, Maui and the big island listed as Island of Hawaii.

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Hot Tips for Handling Foreign Currency

hot tips to handle foreign currency

As I was traveling to the airport this morning, I was casually talking to my Uber driver about traveling. I mentioned that I had just returned from Mexico and he immediately started asking me questions about how to handle money in Mexico.

I started answering all his questions and realized I have been asked this question so many times that this is information that should be shared with all travelers.

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Burning Bowl Ceremony for the New Year

Burning Bowl Ceremony

The New Year is upon us and it’s a time of traditions. Fireworks, resolutions, black-eyed peas, champagne and kisses at midnight! And everyone is talking about New Year’s resolutions and New Year’s goals. If you are going to set new goals for the new year, I think you have to start by making space for those goals. Clearing out the old ideas, old thoughts and old burdens that no longer serve us. This year, let go of the past and start a new tradition to ring in the new year, a ceremony called the Burning Bowl Ceremony.

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Rocky Mountain Reservoir. Lake Dillon

Dillon Reservoir Lake Dillion

The Reservoir

This little-know reservoir in Dillon, Colorado provides picturesque views to behold. Known as the Dillion Reservoir, or Lake Dillon, this reservoir has a rich history. The Dillon damn was built in 1963 creating a reservoir to combat drought conditions of the ’50s. The town of Dillon was moved to the east when the dam was built. The snowmelt from the Rocky Mountains fills the reservoir with chilly water, ranging from 43 degrees in the winter to 63 degrees in the summer.


The town of Dillon is only about 70 miles west of Denver, in the Rocky Mountain Range. This little town is the gateway to all the ski resorts. This scenic drive is easily driven in a little over an hour and it is definitely worth it to visit. Behold the crystal clear waters and the scenic views.

Clean Drinking Water

The Roberts tunnel took 18 years to build and transports water from the reservoir under the mountain, across the Continental Divide and down to the South Platte River to supply crystal clear drinking water for about 1/3 of the Denver population.

Check out this picturesque winter scene captured by drone. This was quite difficult to capture as you can see there is snow and ice on the lake and the temperatures were dropping. The drone battery did not last long and we almost lot the drone over the lake.

Panoramic View of Dillon Reservoir
Check out this drone footage of the picturesque Dillon Reservoir. Beautiful Reservoir providing Rocky Mountain water for Denver. Dillon Reservoir, Colorado

Enjoy this footage, share or pin it! Thanks!

Best Colorado Train Ride – Royal Gorge Railway

Royal Gorge Railway cars

Nostalgic Train Ride

Train travel doesn’t usually have the hype and glam of other forms of travel.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy flying all over the world.  But for me, there is something nostalgic and beautiful about train travel.  I love to feel the click clack click clack rocking of the train cars.  And to listen to the train whistle blowing low and strong across the plains.  Time seems to slow down, and life just doesn’t have the hustle-bustle that is normally there.   It is soothing for the soul.

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I found humanity at the top of Machu Picchu

In the heart of Cusco, Peru, the great Machu Picchu mountain stands at 10,111 feet. It overlooks Mayan ruins (7,972 feet) that were long ago abandoned.   It is known far and wide as one of the iconic sites to visit. It ranks of the top of many bucket lists.  It was certainly the top of mine.  There are limited tickets allowed each day to climb Machu Picchu, the mountain, but I made sure I had one of those tickets before I visited Peru.  It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.   Continue reading “I found humanity at the top of Machu Picchu”