Film – You are Me & I am You
Prosperity Passenger filmed drone footage for the Ecuadorian-based film “You are me & I am you” about an indigenous Partera (midwife) and Yachak (shaman), Carmen Cumba, also known as “Mama Carmen” in Cotacachi, Ecuador who despite many hardships and obstacles is working to improve peoples lives and influence western medicine through her practice of pakarina (natural childbirth) and the use of medicinal plants to heal people.
Footnote: a cameo of Tres (Prosperity Passenger videographer) can be seen at 1:55 getting a healing from an Amazonian shaman. You can see drone footage taken by Tres throughout this trailer.
Travel Chat with Prosperity Passenger
Prosperity Passenger was featured in an interview with @travlyng! Check it out here: http://bit.ly/2zy8PJO. Read along to see where the name Prosperity Passenger comes from, what it means to be a #prosperity student, why I moved to Colorado 4 days after visiting & more!

Best of the Best Europen Cities
Prosperity Passenger has been featured in the Best of the Best European Cities – Top Travel Round-Up. One of our favorite posts A Day Trip to Segovia, Spain has been included in this exciting list of the Best of Best European Cities. This round-up makes it super easy to get a quick shot of the best of the best European cities.


What is the Mystery Blogger Award?
The Mystery Blogger Award was created by blogger Okota Enigma. According to Enigma, “the ‘Mystery Blogger Award’ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”
I am so very grateful to @mamaberoutdoo1 for the nomination! Here is the nomination.

What is the Versatile Blogger Award?
ProsperityPassenger has been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. The Versatile Blogger Award was created to celebrate blogs that have unique content, strong writing, and beautiful images or photographs. As a brand new blogger, I am thrilled and honored to be recognized by my peers.
Prosperity Passenger was nominated by Katie from @RollingOnBlog. You can read more about that nomination here: http://bit.ly/rollingonblog and follow along to see who I nominated Here!
Thank You Rolling On Blog!

Prosperity Passenger has been nominated for the Liebster Award! As a brand new blogger, I am thrilled and honored to be recognized this way in my first month!
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Awards are an Australian internet-based initiative dating back to 2011. Liebster is a German word meaning sweetheart, darling, beloved or favorite. It’s a pay it forward concept where bloggers give other bloggers recognition and hopefully a little more exposure.
Prosperity Passenger was nominated by @OakandLavender and @FluxingWell. Thank you Both! Here is our acceptance of the award, acknowledgment of the people who nominated us and our new nominations. https://prosperitypassenger.com/liebster-award-2019-nominee…