How exciting to get nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! I was nominated by Katie from Rolling On Blog. You can read her post about her own nomination here.
Thank you so much for the nomination, Katie! It is a wonderful feeling to be recognized by others in this incredible blogging community. The Versatile Blogger Award was created to celebrate blogs who have unique content, strong writing, and beautiful images or photographs. As a brand new blogger, I am thrilled and honored to be recognized by my peers.
I started blogging in November 2018. I loved to travel and avidly post my journeys on Facebook. All my friends gave me great support and encouragement about how those stories inspired them. They convinced me to start blogging and putting my stories out there into the world. I had the idea for ProsperityPassenger on the Royal Gorge train in Colorado. I felt so blessed. It was snowing and I was so happy in the open air car, getting snowed on, traveling on the train. I just felt like the most prosperous passenger!

Award Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Link to the blog of the person who nominated you.
- Share 7 facts about yourself.
- Nominate 15 more bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
So, without further ado, here are 7 facts about myself!
- I LOVE going to NYC and watching musicals. My favorite so far is Hamilton, followed by Wicked! I had season’s tickets when I lived in Austin and enjoyed watching any and everything. I’m hoping to get season’s tickets here in Denver too.
- I was a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). I worked for 27 years in Information Technology and spent the last 7 years of my career as the CTO of the Texas Education Agency. I got to determine and define all the technology that was in use at the agency. It was a blast. I retired in July 2018 to pursue travel, RVing and the Rocky Mountains.
- I am a huge Jane Austen fan. I have an annual Jane Austen movie binge where I watch Pride & Prejudice (BBC version with Colin Firth), Emma (both Kate Beckinsale and Gwyneth Paltrow versions), Sense & Sensibility (Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson) and then Persuasion. I have done this for many years. I started with the books, then the VHS versions switched to DVDs and now watch them all on streaming. Oh how the times have changed, but the stories stay just as memorable. I sometimes watch the last 2 minutes of Sense & Sensibility when I need a good cry (the part where Elinor finds out that Edward is not married.)
- I met a man in Denver, Colorado in 2016 and decided to move to Colorado 4 days later. I moved in with him 33 days after we met. Everyone thought I had lost my mind and was so worried about me. But when you know, you know! We have been together for 3 years now building our life together and creating the life of our dreams! Read more about that adventure here.
- I am a purple addict. I love the color purple. It invokes a peaceful feeling in me whenever I see purple. I have two rooms painted purple in my house and considering painting even more purple. I have purple coats, boots, luggage, bedspreads, jewelry and I’ve even had a purple car at one point. I have never quite understood but it seems that when people fall in love with purple it is pervasive!
- I am a math brain. I have a degree in math from university. I love doing math problems and teaching math. I was a math tutor for a while. I love doing puzzles and solving challenges. I don’t get to use higher math often now that I’m in the real world, so I get really giddy where there is a real math problem that needs to be solved. When we built our RV pad and circle driveway at our house, I was asked to figure out the square footage of how much gravel we needed to cover the surfaces. I was so excited and mapped out the chart. I was so happy to be able to solve that problem. We are building a small retaining fence around the driveway and I’m currently trying to figure out a way to incorporate the formula for π into the design.
- I love to try odd and different foods, especially when traveling. I’ve tried squid ink, guinea pig, and haggis. I love trying nose-to-tail places that serve bone marrow, heart, liver, and all parts of the entree. I love cilantro, and can’t eat ginger because it tastes like soap to me. I’m allergic to nutmeg so I avoid it as it causes hives all over.
Finally, here are my 15 Nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award:
- Peacoat Travels
- Way Beyond the Norm
- Green Mochila
- Wanderer Blog
- Amaixico
- So Off We Go
- Russels Loving Life
- Dreams and Wishing Wells
- Perth Travelers
- Marky Marc’s World
- Which Way to the Beats
- The Detour Effect
- Suzy Stories
- Our Carpe Diem
- Anais N. Blog
Can wait to read everyone else’s posts!