How going to Mexico for Cheap Dental Work can Ease your Pain!

Laguna Bacalar in Mexico

Imagine my shock when I went to the dentist in Corado and the estimate for the work I needed was $13,000 – $15,000!  And that was WITH insurance.  I had two teeth that were bothering me, but the dentist said 6 teeth needed work.  I got estimates for root canals, implants, and bone grafts.  

I was appalled at this estimate.  $15,000 and that was just my portion of the bill after insurance.  Without insurance, this would have been $30,000.  You could buy a car instead.  This is one of the reasons I have delayed dental work before in the past.  It just doesn’t seem reasonable or rational.    Who can afford to pay that?  With or without insurance?

As my teeth continued to get worse and even developing abscesses, I knew I would have to do something soon.  And this is when my tropical dental vacation planning began. 

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