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Never get stuck in security lines again!
Imagine yourself booked on a tropical vacation in the sunny paradise of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Flights confirmed. Resort booked. Bags packed. You arrive at the airport 2.5 hours early only to realize by some glitch in the system, the security line is a 3-hour long wait.
You sink. Your heart drops into your stomach. Your nerves flare up and anxiety slowly spreads over your whole body. This was me in Feb 2016. I was living in Austin, Tx at the time, and I had planned a trip to Playa with my significant other. We broke up 3 weeks before the trip. I was determined to go anyway, to go solo if I had too. I needed this trip to mend some broken pieces.
I convinced my friend Bonnie who had just gone through a divorce to join me. Southwest transferred the ticket for a small fee and we began planning a “find yourself” Mexico retreat.
Find yourself and find your voice!
You know what I mean by “finding” yourself. Find that amazing person inside you that was hiding and lurking during your last relationship. Find the roaring lion inside that is regal and fierce. Find that small voice that says “I love me and that’s enough” and fortify that voice into boldly exclaiming “I am enough” from atop a Mayan pyramid.
Mexico seemed like the perfect place to find ourselves and rebuild. Until, we arrived at the airport already hours behind schedule, even though we were early. We waited in the line with hundreds of others, all yelling out “my flight is leaving, please let me move to the front of the line.” TSA wasn’t allowing anyone to move up. we were all going to miss our flights together. Even the TSA-precheck line had an hour and a half wait.
Never allow your travel dreams to be prevented, altered, or delayed!
This is when I noticed the Clear lane at security. What is Clear? Clear helps you speed through security at airports and stadiums across the country. Travelers were walking practically straight through security. Those were the only people making their flights that day. I vowed that day that I would no longer allow my travel experiences to be prevented, altered or delayed by unpredictable security lines.
By some miracle, we made our flight that day. Fortunately for us, our plane was delayed at the last minute and we made it on board. You’ve seen the scenario where the plane is about to leave, and two girls, sweaty from running from security to the gate, exhaustedly run on board as
That Mexico trip changed my life. This was the trip where all things became possible.
This trip created possibilities for me that never existed before. That trip is where me living the life of my dreams became a real possibility.
As I look back now, I can’t imagine where I would be today if I had missed that flight. I am and always will be a loyal Clear customer as I never want to miss another possibility, ever!
I signed up for CLEAR as soon as I returned from that trip, and have been happily breezing through airport security ever since.